HC Deb 27 October 1953 vol 518 cc2595-6
17. Mr. F. Willey

asked the Minister of Labour what action he is taking, in view of the fact that a factory in Sunderland of which he has been informed, is to close in November and thereby render 1,000 workpeople redundant.

18. Mr. P. Williams

asked the Minister of Labour what steps are being taken to provide alternative employment for the 1,000 girls who are to become unemployed in Sunderland as the result of the closing of a clothing factory.

Sir W. Monckton

As my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade informed the hon. Member for Sunderland, North (Mr. F. Willey) on Thursday last, Messrs. Prices are being given every assistance in their efforts to find a firm to take over this factory. The employment exchanges will, of course, take all possible steps to place any workers who become redundant in other work for which they are suitable.

Mr. Willey

Is the Minister aware that there is a great deal of apprehension and that no one wants to add unnecessarily to it? Would not it help to allay apprehension if the right hon. and learned Gentleman's Department constantly kept an eye on developments, because this closure is bound to affect the industrial picture generally?

Sir W. Monckton

I understand that point and, to show that I have the matter constantly in mind, should like to say that about 38 people left before 23rd October. Of them, 14 are now employed at the firm's factory in South Shields. On 23rd October, within the last week, 88 people were discharged, 41 of them have been submitted for other jobs and 15 have been placed already. I expect to be able to help the residue of those who have already left, and I shall do my best for the rest.

Mr. Williams

Has my right hon. and learned Friend had any conversations with North Eastern Trading Estates with a view to them taking over this factory?

Sir W. Monckton

I shall have to ask my right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade what he has heard about that, because I have not heard myself.