HC Deb 21 October 1953 vol 518 c1965
48. Sir R. Acland

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will publish a statement showing what sums have been paid from British Guiana in recent years in the form of dividends, profits or interest payments to major companies operating in that country.

Mr. Lyttelton

This information is not immediately available in the form desired by the hon. Member. I am asking the Governor for the figures and will write to the hon. Member when they are available.

Mr. Lewis

Could the right hon. Gentleman in that reply also give information to the House about what profits hon. Members on both sides of this House have received from any of these concerns?

Mr. Lyttelton

The hon. Member is asking me to make an inquiry which would carry me much beyond my ordinary duties.

Mr. Noel-Baker

If a further question were put down, could the right hon. Gentleman print the information in the OFFICIAL REPORT?

Mr. Lyttelton

Yes, I did not mean in any way that I would not. I said I would communicate with the hon. Member, but if any hon. Member chooses to put the Question down again, then, when I have examined this matter, which is very complicated. I shall be only too glad to answer.