HC Deb 19 May 1953 vol 515 c1868
40. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Minister of Works whether he is aware of the continued shortage of bricks and cement in South Wales and, in particular, that one firm in Newport making concrete blocks for housing schemes in the county borough of Newport, Cwmbran new town and Cardiff city is only working to 50 per cent. capacity owing to the shortage of cement and which is still holding up building activities in South Wales; and what action is being taken to augment the supply.

Mr. Eccles

In South Wales, as elsewhere, the high level of building activity has caused some lengthening of delivery periods for bricks and cement. Brick output is increasing, and the local production of cement is being augmented by shipments of continental cement direct to South Wales. I am not aware of any firm of concrete block makers in Newport reduced to working at only 50 per cent. of capacity by shortage of cement.

Mr. Freeman

If I give the right hon. Gentleman a letter from the firm concerned, will he look into the matter as these concrete blocks are being used in place of bricks, of which we are so short and are causing considerable delay in substantial housing projects?

Mr. Eccles

I am looking into the matter and I hope the hon. Member will advise the firm to use Belgian cement, which is of the same specification.