HC Deb 16 March 1953 vol 512 c1816
36. Mr. P. Wells

asked the Minister of Transport how many road accidents occurred in Kent during 1952.

Mr. Braithwaite

The number of accidents in Kent involving personal injury during 1952 was 4,637. These accidents involved the following casualties: 117 killed, 1,319 serious1y injured, and 4,254 slightly injured.

Mr. Wells

Is the Minister aware that this works out at an average of about one accident every 39 minutes three seconds and that many of these accidents were the result of the condition of the road? Will he put into operation a programme that will enable some of the arrears of maintenance that have occurred during and since the war to be made up?

Mr. Braithwaite

I have not made the particular calculation to which the hon. Member refers, but he will be glad to know that these figures in all categories show a considerable reduction on the previous year, 1951, though the need for road improvement is ever present in the mind of my right hon. Friend.

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