HC Deb 20 July 1953 vol 518 c29
51. Mr. E. L. Mallalieu

asked the Minister of Food what proportion of the cattle and meat imported from Eire will, under the new agreement, be in the form of store cattle, fat cattle, carcass meat and tinned meat, respectively.

Major Lloyd George

I cannot at present make an estimate since the new agreement does not prescribe the proportions in which store cattle, fat cattle and carcass beef shall come here. It does not cover canned meat.

Mr. Mallalieu

Is the right hon. and gallant Gentleman aware of the important place which Irish store cattle has always had in British agriculture. If so, what is he doing to ensure that the supply of this store cattle will not be diminished under this agreement?

Major Lloyd George

I agree with my hon. Friend that it is of the greatest importance to this country that we should get as much store cattle as possible from Ireland. In present circumstances, the primary purpose is to get as much beef as we possibly can.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Can my right hon. and gallant Friend assure the House that as the scheme of attestation grows rapidly in this country, and in Scotland in particular, particular notice will be taken of the difficulty of importing store cattle from Ireland?