HC Deb 17 December 1953 vol 522 cc572-3
55. Dr. Stross

asked the Minister of Education the total expenditure on education in England and Wales for the years 1952 and 1938.

Miss Horsbrugh

The total expenditure from the Exchequer and rates combined on educational services within the purview of my Department was about £97.4 million for 1938–39 and about £339.5 million, on the basis of the pre-audit returns of local authority expenditure, for 1952–53.

Dr. Stross

In terms of a percentage of the gross national income, is not that roughly 2 per cent. for 1938 and about 2.2 per cent. for current spending? If the Minister agrees that that is the case, will she not press for further financial assistance to see that education is given higher priority?

Miss Horsbrugh

Education is given a high priority, but while listening to the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question I have not yet had time to do the arithmetic and work out the percentage.

Miss Bacon

Could the right hon. Lady give the figures for the number of children in school on those particular dates?

Miss Horsbrugh

Certainly, if the hon. Lady will put a Question down. I have not the numbers with me now.

Mr. Llewellyn

Could my right hon. Friend give the statistics separately for England and Wales without undue administrative trouble?

Miss Horsbrugh

I will certainly look into that.