HC Deb 09 December 1953 vol 521 c1953
6. Mr. Erroll

asked the Minister of Food whether he will make a statement on the representations made to him by the pork butchers concerning the effects of stricter rationing of meat as it affects them and their customers.

Major Lloyd George

When off-ration sales were first allowed the general and pork butchers were informed that the concession would be limited to the period of heavy supplies. The flush of home killing has now passed and it has therefore been necessary to withdraw that concession.

Mr. Erroll

As I understand that there is no shortage of pork from the home market, could not the Minister enable some extra supplies to go to the pork butchers whose customers are seriously discomfited by the Minister's latest policy?

Major Lloyd George

My hon. Friend will appreciate that pork plays an important part in the general meat ration. The pork butchers will get the same entitlement as others.

Mr. F. Willey

Has the Minister's attention been drawn to the statement of the chairman of the Northern Council of Pork Butchers that the right hon. and gallant Gentleman betrays such ignorance about this subject that he must think that he is dealing with road sweepers or boilermen? That is not my view, because I take it that road sweepers and boiler-men have a better appreciation of pork than the right hon. and gallant Gentleman.

Major Lloyd George

That may be, but I stand by what I said.

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