HC Deb 15 April 1953 vol 514 cc175-7
7. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what representations have been received from the United States Government with regard to a co-ordinated defence system in the Far East, to include Chinese Nationalist forces on Formosa.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

No such representations have been received from the United States Government.

9. Mr. A. Henderson

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what instructions have been given to the United Kingdom representative at the United Nations in regard to the official complaint lodged by the Burmese Government relating to the presence of Chinese Nationalist forces in Burma.

Mr. Selwyn Lloyd

It is not the practice to disclose instructions given to the United Kingdom Delegation. It is not yet clear in what form this matter will be discussed at the United Nations. But I can assure the House that Her Majesty's Government are actively concerned to effect a settlement.

Mr. Henderson

Do Her Majesty's Government themselves accept the repeated assurances which have been given to them by the Chinese Nationalist authorities that they have no responsibility for these troops, in view of the evidence to the contrary that has been collected by the Government of Burma?

Mr. Lloyd

I am not aware at the moment that we have received any assurances from the Chinese Nationalist authorities with regard to that matter. However, we certainly regard this as a serious problem which might be a possible danger to peace, and we are anxious to have it cleared up as early as possible. The right hon. and learned Gentleman will remember that in February last year we took the initiative in seeking one way by which the matter might have been cleared up.

Mr. Henderson

I am sorry to have to press this point, but the Joint Undersecretary of State stated in the House in June last year that Her Majesty's Government had repeatedly received assurances from the Chinese Nationalist authorities in Formosa that they had no responsibility for these troops.

Mr. Lloyd

I think that in fact those assurances came through the Chinese Delegation at the United Nations.

An Hon. Member: Worthless.