HC Deb 17 December 1952 vol 509 cc1368-9
5. Mr. Popplewell

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, in view of the fact that the compulsory retention of Regulars in the Army and Royal Air Force is to terminate at the end of September, 1953, and new procedure to enable these personnel to purchase their discharge is to operate from that date, why similar facilities are not to apply to the Royal Navy until April, 1954; and if he will review this and arrange for the date for the Royal Navy to be brought forward to that of the other Services.

Mr. J. P. L. Thomas

The scheme under which all Regulars compulsorily retained in the Royal Navy will be released not later than April, 1954, was drawn up after careful consideration of the commitments which the Navy has to meet. I regret that I can see no prospect of being able to improve on that date.

Article 1120 of Queen's Regulations and Admiralty Instructions allows men of the Royal Navy to purchase their discharge in exceptional cases and subject to the exigencies of the Service. Each application is examined on its merits. This Article has continued to operate during the period when men have had to be retained.

Mr. Popplewell

While that is much appreciated, is the Minister aware that grave dissatisfaction is felt by the men likely to be affected by this delay of some six months compared with the situation in the other two Services? In view of the fact that only a very small number of men are likely to be affected, will he look into this matter, because they feel that they have a sense of hardship compared with the other two Services.

Mr. Thomas

I can assure the hon. Gentleman that I am always looking at this problem with the greatest possible sympathy and that all cases receive very careful consideration. I must tell the House, however, that the Royal Navy depend on experienced men of long service with knowledge of the sea and ships, and it is not possible to send ships to sea with- out them. That is why the Royal Navy have had to get rather out of step with the other two Services.

Mr. Popplewell

But this involves only six months. It will be only a short period before the new arrangements apply and it is just a question of closing the gap of that six months.

Mr. Thomas

I will go into any specific case which the hon. Gentleman chooses to give me.

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