HC Deb 26 November 1951 vol 494 c861
31. Mr. G. R. Mitchison

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he is aware that there is a local shortage of coke in the East Midlands, and that it results in hardship to the occupants of council houses fitted in the interests of fuel economy with grates that only burn coke or only coke and anthracite; and what steps he proposes to take to provide supplies in such cases.

Mr. Geoffrey Lloyd

Yes, Sir. I find that the coke and boiler fuel situation has become very serious over the past year and the prospects for the winter are bad.

I am immediately going into the question of whether anything can be done to meet the difficulty mentioned by the hon. and learned Member, but I must warn the House that it would be a matter of immense practical difficulty to provide a remedy.

Mr. Mitchison

Is the Minister aware that one of the difficulties is that no one in his Department or in the Gas Board seems to know where the council houses are which are fitted with coke burning apparatus, and, as they have been put in for the purpose of fuel economy, will he take steps to ascertain from councils the number of houses of this kind and then make some special provision for the inhabitants who cannot use coal in this apparatus?

Mr. Lloyd

Yes, Sir, but the fact remains that consumers have been encouraged to install this special coke-burning apparatus but no arrangements have been made to ascertain where these special stoves have been installed in particular houses. At the beginning of the winter it is immensely difficult administratively to find that out in time.