HC Deb 15 November 1951 vol 493 c1138
2. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Minister of Health what steps are being taken to implement the recommendations of the Report of the Government Advisory Council on Scientific Policy for a closer check on the use of chemicals as food improvers some of which have a poisonous effect even in small does if taken over long periods.

27. Dr. Harriett Stross

asked the Minister of Health whether he will consult with the Minister of Food as to the desirability of creating in Britain an organisation similar to the food and drug administration of the United States of America, so that the public may be protected from the harmful effects of chemical substances added to food, which have not been adequately and fully tested.

Mr. Crookshank

It is true that a report on these matters was prepared for the previous Government by the Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, but I am not in a position to state what action, if any, can be taken on it until the extent of the problem and the cost involved in manpower and money has been fully investigated.

Dr. Stross

Would the Minister not agree, however, that many substances formerly used have had to be forbidden because they were discovered to be dangerous, and does not this imply that the public, in the past and today, are used as guinea pigs for some of these new substances? Will the right hon. Gentleman not do whatever is possible as soon as he can?

Mr. Crookshank

I could not accept without further consideration all the statements that the hon. Member has made, but I cannot make any statement now about it.