§ 2 and 3. Mr. Doddsasked the Minister of Education (1) if he is aware that a high percentage of gypsy children are unable to read or write; and what action he proposes to take to deal with this problem;
(2) how many gypsy children over five years of age do not attend school; and what action he proposes to take to deal with this problem.
§ Mr. TomlinsonI have no statistics available. I am sure, however, that local education authorities make every endeavour to help these children to obtain an adequate education.
§ Mr. DoddsIs this not another example of how little is known about this great human problem? Is not my right hon. Friend aware that local authorities are driving out gypsy families from places where they have been for generations; that they are being hunted from place to place? Has not the Minister some responsibility for providing education for gypsy children?
§ Mr. TomlinsonThe responsibility happens to lie with the local authorities, and in many counties they are actually making the provision. One of the difficulties is, of course, that these families do not normally stay very long in any one place.
§ Mr. DoddsWill my right hon. Friend meet some missionaries among the gypsies so that he may be acquainted of this problem?
§ Mr. TomlinsonYes, Sir, I am prepared to meet missionaries from anywhere.