HC Deb 19 March 1951 vol 485 c2106
Mr. Eden

Perhaps I might now tell the House, if it is agreeable—as it lies with the Opposition to choose the topic—that, in view of what has just been announced by the Attorney-General we shall take tomorrow, instead of the subject previously announced, the Anglo-Egyptian Financial Agreement, and discuss it until 7 p.m. The right hon. Gentleman the Leader of the House knows that we had some preliminary discussion about it on Friday.

The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. Ede)

I had some preliminary discussion with the Opposition and disclosed to them the type of answer that my right hon. and learned Friend would give today. Perhaps for the sake of clarity I might just make this clear. In view of the statement which has just been made by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Warwick and Leamington (Mr. Eden), the business tomorrow will be as follows. First, we shall take the Lords Amendments to the Reserve and Auxiliary Forces (Training) Bill. Their Lordships are meeting specially this afternoon so that the Amendments shall be available for us. When that has been disposed of, we shall discuss, on the Adjournment, the Egyptian matters which were the subject of Question and answer last week.

Sir H. Williams

On the Adjournment?

Mr. Ede

We shall take that on the Adjournment Motion. Thereafter, there will be a debate on the Notice of Motion in the name of the Leader of the Opposition on the Select Committee to consider the constitution of Standing Committees of the House.

Sir H. Williams

If the Adjournment Motion is carried, we could not have the subsequent debate.

Mr. Ede

That was not absent from my mind, and I made another suggestion to the Opposition, but they preferred to proceed in this way.