HC Deb 01 March 1951 vol 484 c2281
32. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many male and female young persons and children were in remand homes and approved schools, respectively, in 1950; how many were in approved probation hostels; and how many were absconders who either returned voluntarily or were apprehended.

Mr. Ede

At one time or another during 1950, about 13,600 boys and girls under the age of 17 at the date of committal were in approved schools, and about 800 between the ages of 15 and 18 on admission were in approved probation hostels, which, do not cater for persons under the age1of 15. Figures showing the number of boys and girls who were in remand homes during 1950 are not yet available, but the number in 1949 was about 14,200. The number of absconders in 1950 who either returned voluntarily or were apprehended was 1,373 from approved schools and 745 from remand homes. Particulars of the number in approved probation hostels who absconded and returned during the year are not available.

Mr. Sorensen

Do those figures show an increase or a decrease compared with previous comparable periods?

Mr. Ede

I think they are about static.