HC Deb 03 July 1951 vol 489 c2120
7. Colonel Gomme-Duncan

asked the Secretary of State for War whether official identity discs are worn by all officers and other ranks in Korea and Malaya; what orders have been made on this matter and if he is satisfied that they are being carried out.

Mr. Wyatt

Instructions are that all ranks in the field should wear identity discs. The enforcement of these instructions is a matter for the commander. Some bodies have recently been found without identity discs in Korea and an investigation is being made to find out why. I should point out, however, that many bodies have already been identified by their discs.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Can the hon. Gentleman say if identity discs are issued officially to officers and other ranks in these theatres of war? I understand he is satisfied that the orders are sound enough and that he said the carrying out of those orders is a matter for the commander concerned. Does he not agree that the disturbing case his right hon. Friend gave last week rather indicates there is some laxity somewhere?

Mr. Wyatt

I do not believe there is laxity at all. It may well be that the enemy have removed these identity discs from the bodies.