HC Deb 20 February 1951 vol 484 c1056
40. Mr. Emrys Hughes

asked the Secretary of State for War when he intends taking steps for an exchange of prisoners in Korea.

Mr. Strachey

This is a matter which involves the Unified Command. My hon. Friend's suggestion will be borne in mind, but I can hold out little hope that such an exchange will be possible in present circumstances.

Mr. Hughes

Is the Minister aware that we have now 136,000 prisoners in our hands? Would it not be to our benefit and would it not ensure humane treatment of our own prisoners to initiate such a scheme?

Mr. Strachey

My hon. Friend will remember the statement I made to the House on 30th January, showing the very great efforts we made in trying to get in touch with the North Korean authorities about the conditions of prisoners. Even that has not been possible up to the present time.

Mr. Duncan Sandys

Can the Minister say through what channel His Majesty's Government communicated with the North Korean authorities about prisoners of war and whether any steps are being taken so far to secure facilities for a protecting Power to inspect prisoners of war under the Geneva Convention?

Mr. Strachey

These are precisely the matters dealt with in my statement of 30th January. Perhaps the right hon. Gentleman will look at it.

Mr. Godfrey Nicholson

When the right hon. Gentleman says that this matter is one for the Unified Command, does it mean that this country can take no steps on its own initiative?

Mr. Strachey

Not necessarily in everything, but in a matter of the exchanging of prisoners I certainly think the Unified Command would have to be consulted.