HC Deb 19 February 1951 vol 484 cc866-8
10. Mr. Dodds-Parker

asked the Minister of Food what were the considerations on which His Majesty's Government based their conclusion, stated in Command Paper No. 8125, that the cost of the proposed scheme for a modified Overseas Food Corporation in East Africa would not differ widely from that entailed by the abolition of the Corporation.

Mr. Webb

This conclusion was based on a comparison between the estimated cost of the plan accepted by the Government and the best estimate which the Corporation could make of the heavy liability which they would have had to meet for breach of contract and other commitments if the scheme had been closed.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

Can the right hon. Gentleman add to that answer, because a great part of the justification of the new Government proposals in regard to the groundnuts scheme can only turn on whether it is true that it would cost as much to clear out as to stay on? The answer given by the right hon. Gentleman is wholly inadequate and causes the gravest doubts as to the wisdom of the next step.

Mr. Webb

I recognise the truth of that submission. There is a debate tomorrow and I propose to give rather more detailed information then.

Mr. Lennox-Boyd

If there is any value in Parliamentary debates, should we not have the knowledge now, to allow the House to take a more sensible view when the discussion arises?

Mr. Webb

This is Question Time and I should be rebuked by you, Mr. Speaker, if I were to give a long, detailed, involved answer now.

16. Mr. Sidney Marshall

asked the Minister of Food when he will be in a position to supply any interim details regarding the liquidation of the groundnut scheme in Tanganyika.

Mr. Webb

There will be an opportunity to discuss these matters in tomorrow's debate, but if the hon. Member will let me know any specific information he wants I will do my best to see that he gets it.

Mr. Marshall

Will the Minister answer the point of the Question, which is about the supply of interim details of the liquidation? I did not want any information about tomorrow's debate. I wanted the information about liquidation.

Mr. Webb

That is the subject of tomorrow's debate, and it would require me to occupy the time of the House much longer than is available now.

Mr. Marshall

With respect, does the Minister realise that in tomorrow's debate all these details will go underground and that we shall know nothing about them? That is why I am asking for this specific information.

17. Mr. S. Marshall

asked the Minister of Food whether any further expenditure of money is contemplated with regard to the cultivation of groundnuts, sunflower seeds and similar products in Tanganyika; and if he will give details.

Mr. Webb

I would refer the hon. Member to the White Paper published on 9th January.

Mr. Marshall

Does not the Minister agree that that is the answer which I thought I should get and that it does not relieve him of answering my Question today. There is no reason why I should have to wait until tomorrow.

Mr. Webb

The answer to the Question has been given. All these details are in the White Paper.

18. Mr. S. Marshall

asked the Minister of Food what quantity and value of equipment has been sold by the Overseas Food Corporation to the Government of Tanganyika.

Mr. Webb

The disposal of its surplus equipment is a matter for which the Corporation is responsible, and the hon. Member's inquiry is now being considered by its officers.