HC Deb 10 May 1950 vol 475 cc352-3
5. Mr. Hamilton

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty if the skilled tradesman recently dismissed from Rosyth Dockyard because of his Communist activities has yet been found suitable alternative employment.

Mr. W. Edwards

Not yet, Sir.

Mr. Hamilton

Is the Minister aware that this man has now been out of work for over one month and is a burden on the taxpayers? Is he also aware that he is giving interviews to Tory newspapers, like a Hollywood film star, and will he take steps to get the man immediately back to work?

Mr. Edwards

I cannot give a guarantee that we can get him immediately back to work, but if we can find work for him of a suitable character we shall be only too glad to do so.

Brigadier Medlicott

Can the Minister say whether there are any other cases similar to this under his jurisdiction?

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Can my hon. Friend say if, under the rules, Communists now are not eligible for employment in the dockyards, and if that applies to the Navy?

Mr. Edwards

It is not a question of rules. This action is taken in accordance with a statement made to the House by the Prime Minister in the last Parliament.