HC Deb 10 May 1950 vol 475 cc350-2
3. Brigadier Clarke

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty how the redundancy rules in the dockyards have been changed as a result of the new merit awards.

Mr. W. Edwards

The only change made in the rules governing redundancy amongst Admiralty industrial employees in the United Kingdom, following the introduction of the new merit pay scheme, is that selections for reversion or discharge on redundancy amongst the titular grades in the paint shop of the constructive departments of the dockyards will be based on the relative merit rating of the individual, as opposed to the former arrangement which was based entirely on seniority.

Brigadier Clarke

Has the "Last in, first out" rule now been abandoned; and, if so, will length of service be given any consideration at all?

Mr. Edwards

Length of service is given consideration, but a policy of "Last in. first out" has never been laid down.

Mr. Michael Foot

In view of the concern that has arisen in the case of some of these new merit awards, would the Civil Lord undertake to give the closest attention to any representations made by the trade unions on the matter?

Mr. Edwards

We always give the closest attention to representations made by the trade unions, and also by other interested bodies. However, I must say that this principle has been accepted by the trade union side of the S.T.J.C.

Mr. Foot

Is it open to the trade unions to make representations on individual cases if they arise in this matter?

Mr. Edwards

Yes, under the joint negotiating machinery.

Commander Noble

Is any temporary arrangement to cover the transition period being considered? It came out at Question time last week that there are cases of hardship under this new scheme.

Mr. Edwards

There will always be cases of hardship when redundancy occurs. If some of these people had not had to go others would have to go in their place. This is an arrangement reached with the trade unions, and until the trade unions object to it I think we are justified in going on.

4. Brigadier Clarke

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what redundancy is anticipated in Portsmouth Dockyard in the next six months.

Mr. W. Edwards

No discharges on redundancy from Portsmouth Dockyard are at present foreseen during the next six months, except that some minor adjustments in the numbers employed may become necessary due to fluctuations in work.

Brigadier Clarke

Will the Minister give consideration to the fact that there is a lot of unemployment in this town? If there is to be redundancy will he go elsewhere to find it?

Mr. Edwards

That applies to every dockyard district.

Mr. Snow

Is the Civil Lord aware that the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, some months ago, appointed a Committee of which the hon. Member for Portsmouth, South (Sir J. Lucas) was a distinguished member; that that committee made a unanimous recommendation

Grade London Rate (per annum) Provincial Rate* (per annum)
Deputy Director of Naval Construction £2,000 £1,900
Deputy Director of Dockyards £2,000 £1,900
Assistant Director of Naval Construction £1,600 X 50—£1,800 £1,500 X 50—£1,700
Manager, Constructive Department, H. M. Dockyards
Chief Constructor £1,320 X 50—£1,520 £1,240 X 50—£1,435
Constructor £900 x 30—£1,100 X 35—£1,250 £860 x 30—£1,040 X 35—£1,177
Assistant Constructor £550 (at age 26) X 25—£800 £520 (at age 26) X 25—£760
* Note: The provincial rate applies in most provincial towns including, for example, Bath and e are intermediate between Liverpool, the rates payable Portsmouth. In others, such as Glasgow and the London and Provincial rates shown above.

to set up an organization to deal with redundancy and that for frivolous reasons it cancelled the whole arrangement?