HC Deb 24 April 1950 vol 474 c598
48. Mr. Garnmans

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what is the present position regarding the establish. ment of diplomatic relations between this country and Communist China; if a British Chargé d'Affaires has yet been accepted by the Peking Government; and if British Consuls have yet been recognised in the main cities of China.

The Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Ernest Davies)

Normal diplomatic relations have not yet been established. In discussions on their establishment, Mr. J. C. Hutchison is accepted as His Majesty's Chargé d'Affaires. British consular officers have not yet been recognised in their official capacity.

Mr. Gammans

Will the hon. Gentleman say whether the Government are still satisfied that they made a wise move in recognising Communist China, and what this country has received as a result of that premature recognition?

Mr. Davies

That is quite another question from the one on the Order Paper.

Captain Duncan

In view of the fact that the Chinese Government do not seem to want to recognise us, will the hon. Gentleman withdraw the Government's recognition of Communist China, especially in view of the effect of that recognition in Malaya?

Mr. Davies

The next step rests entirely with the Central People's Government. As the House is aware they put certain questions to us, to which we have replied. We are now awaiting a reply from them.