HC Deb 28 November 1949 vol 470 cc770-1
45. Mr. Platts-Mills

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he now proposes to withdraw his note of protest of 18th July, addressed to the Hungarian Government in connection with the alleged kidnapping and torture of Mr. W. Harrison, in view of the fact that it has been officially confirmed that Mr. Harrison was neither kidnapped nor tortured but of his own volition made the first contact with the Hungarian authorities, and was subsequently allowed to leave that country without any molestation whatsoever.

The Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs (Mr. Mayhew)

No, Sir. I have nothing to add to the reply I gave to the hon. Member on 2nd November.

Mr. Platts-Mills

As my hon. Friend suggests that there is no possible doubt as to this matter, will be cause to be published the transcript of the record made by the Hungarian authorities of the actual conversations with this gentleman, and let us have them in the Library, so that we may judge for ourselves?

Mr. Mayhew

There was publicity given to this matter at the time, and I do not think that we need rake all that up again.