HC Deb 28 November 1949 vol 470 cc774-5
58. Mr. Skeffington-Lodge

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what discussions have taken place with the United States authorities regarding the enlisting and equipment of a new German army; and whether he will make a statement.

Mr. Mayhew

No such discussions have taken place.

Mr. Skeffington-Lodge

While that may be true as far as official contacts are concerned, is my hon. Friend aware that there is widespread public concern about various Press reports on this subject? Will he give an assurance that in no circumstances will the Government commit themselves in any shape or form to the establishment of a new German Army?

Mr. Mayhew

My reply has been quite specific. I do not think we need get concerned over these Press reports which bear no relation to reality.

Mr. Anthony Nutting

Will the Under-Secretary assure the House, contrary to the implications of this Question, which refers only to this country and the United States, that no discussions will take place and no decisions will be reached in these matters without the participation of the French Government?

Mr. Mayhew

All this is quite premature; none of it has arisen.

Mrs. Manning

Has my hon. Friend read the article in this morning's "Daily Mail" on this matter by a member of another place, which is really most disquieting?