HC Deb 08 March 1949 vol 462 c990

"to amend the Housing (Scotland) Acts, 1925 to 1946; to promote the improvement of housing accommodation in Scotland by authorising the making of contributions out of the Exchequer and of grants by local authorities; to authorise the making out of the Exchequer of contributions in addition to the contributions payable under the Housing (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act, 1946, in certain cases, and of contributions in respect of the provision of hostels and of building experiments in Scotland; to extend and amend certain provisions of the Small Dwellings Acquisition Act, 1899, and the Building Materials and Housing Act, 1945, in their application to Scotland; and for purposes connected with the matters aforesaid," presented by Mr. Woodburn; supported by the Lord Advocate, Mr. Glenvil Hall, Mr. Thomas Fraser and Mr. J. J. Robertson; read the First time; to be read a Second time upon Thursday, and to be printed. [Bill 92.]