HC Deb 25 July 1949 vol 467 cc1803-4
31. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Transport what staff and other facilities he has placed at the disposal of the Docks Emergency Committee for their duties.

Mr. Barnes

The Emergency Committee were provided with the necessary secretarial staff. In addition, the services of officers of the Ministry and, in particular, those of the Docks and Canals Division, were made available to the Committee. Accommodation for the Committee was provided at the Ministry Headquarters and at the Ministry's Mercantile Marine Office near the Port of London Authority building. Direct telephone lines were provided from the Ministry's Headquarters to the Mercantile Marine Office and from the latter to the Port of London Authority.

Sir J. Mellor

Is this organisation still engaged in settling in?

32. Sir J. Mellor

asked the Minister of Transport what recommendations he has received from the Docks Emergency Committee; and what action he has taken upon them.

Mr. Barnes

I kept myself fully informed from day to day as to the proceedings of the Committee and there was full consultation by the Committee with me and with my officers. The Committee have been responsible to the Government for the working of the Port of London during the emergency. The statements issued to the Press as to the build up of Service labour, the ships worked and the tonnage of cargo handled have already shown the success with which they have discharged this responsibility.

Sir J. Mellor

The right hon. Gentleman refers to their having "discharged this responsibility." Does that mean that they have concluded their labours?

Mr. Barnes

That is a matter for subsequent decision because the scheme is not finally ended until the Government deals with the question of the Proclamation. I should, however, like to take this opportunity of saying that this Emergency Committee have done a very fine job. I think they will also wish me to say that they could not have carried out their duties so well without the full co-operation of the Port of London Authority and everyone concerned.

Mr. H. Strauss

Could the right hon. Gentleman say whether the Emergency Committee were consulted by the Government before they issued their midnight communique criticising the Dock Labour Board?

Mr. Barnes

I think that is not a matter which arises from this Question. It can be better dealt with when this is more fully discussed.