HC Deb 25 July 1949 vol 467 cc1801-3
29. Mr. Ernest Davies

asked the Minister of Transport the number of "C" licences issued during the first six months of 1949 or to the latest available date; the comparable figures for 1948; the total number of operators of "C" licences; and the number of vehicles operated by them.

Mr. Barnes

The net number of additional vehicles for which "C" licences were issued during the first six months of 1949 was 44,253 as compared with 51,572 during the same period of 1948. The total number of "C" licensed operators at 30th June, 1949, was 335,846 with 634,769 vehicles.

Mr. Ernest Davies

In view of the fact that the issue of "C" licences continues at the rate of approximately 7,000 a month and in view of the fact that during the passage of the Transport Bill the Minister gave an undertaking, which he has repeated since, to keep his eye upon the situation and to take any action which he thought necessary, may I ask him whether he has done so and whether he has made up his mind what action he proposes to take?

Mr. Barnes

I have stated on more than one occasion that I have taken the precaution to get all the details in regard to these "C" licences and I have made a further statement that the vast majority of them are confined to relatively small traders.

Mr. W. Shepherd

Is it not a fact that these "C" licences are increasing because traders find the service rendered by the nationalised railways unsatisfactory and costly for their purpose?

Mr. Barnes

No. As a matter of fact, that is just nonsense because, as I have said, they are mainly confined to small retailers.

Mr. Edward Davies

Is not the Minister convinced that a case has been made out by the figures he has given that proof of need should be established before there is an automatic issue of "C" licences? This is going to prejudice the revenue of his nationalised concern.

Mr. Barnes

No, Sir; I am not convinced.

Mr. Renton

In so far as the increase consists of an increase of large vehicles and not of small vehicles, is it not a somewhat limited increase and does it not correspond roughly with the somewhat limited increase which there has been during the period in industrial activities?

Mr. Barnes

I do not know whether I gather what the hon. Gentleman says correctly, but I understood him to say that the greater part of the increase has been in large vehicles. I deny that.

Mr. Renton

I said, in so far as it is an increase in large vehicles.

Mr. Ernest Davies

Would my right hon. Friend consider publishing details of the issue of these "C" licences, showing how many are as regards retail trade and how many as regards general trade?

Mr. Barnes

I am circulating these figures, but publication of those details is another matter. I have no desire to withhold this information, but whether it justifies general publication is another matter. I will look into it.

Mr. P. Thorneycroft

Is it not pretty obvious from the questions addressed to the Minister from behind him that if the Socialist Party are returned for another term of office, no one will have a chance of carrying his own goods in his own vehicles on the roads?

Mr. Barnes

My general impression is that the questions I receive from behind are more acceptable than those I receive from the other side of the House.