HC Deb 23 February 1949 vol 461 cc1838-9
10. Mr. Scollan

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty why Messrs. Anderson and Steel of Greenock, who applied for a let of a small factory at Bay Yard, Port Glasgow, after negotiations between the Industrial Estates, the Board of Trade, the Ministry of Works, and the Admiralty are still waiting for a decision after eight months; and if he will now let this factory to this firm.

Mr. W. Edwards

As I have recently informed my hon. Friend in correspondence, the question of the purchase of this property for industrial development purposes is under consideration by the Board of Trade, and an early decision is expected. In the meantime, the Admiralty's wartime requisition of the property is being continued on behalf of the Board of Trade, and the occupation of any part of the premises by Messrs. Anderson and Steel cannot be authorised in anticipation of the decision regarding the future use of the premises.

Mr. Scollan

Is my hon. Friend aware that in the first instance this firm were sent to the Industrial Estates people, who took them over the factory and agreed to let it at £130 a year; that the Board of Trade then stopped them and passed the matter on to the Admiralty, who passed it on to the Ministry of Works; is he further aware that this factory could be used; and what is stopping the letting of it?

Mr. Edwards

Well, I am not responsible for decisions taken by the Board of Trade. All I can say is that this property is on requisition by the Admiralty, and that the Admiralty are prepared to derequisition it as soon as the Board of Trade make up their minds.

Commander Galbraith

Flow long is it since this factory was actually used by the Admiralty?

Mr. Scollan

Over 12 months.

Mr. Edwards

The question has been answered: over 12 months. But it is because of the request of the Board of Trade, who were hoping to set up an industrial estate there, that we have been holding on to it.