HC Deb 22 September 1948 vol 456 cc886-7
61. Mr. Osborne

asked the Minister of Food at what prices and in what quantities were the potatoes sold which had been stored at Grimsby and Immingham earlier this year; who purchased them; and how much per ton did they cost his Department, including all charges for transport and warehousing.

Dr. Summerskill

Five thousand, one hundred and sixty-seven tons were sold to wholesale potato merchants for £51,359; 2,643 tons to the Control Commission for Germany for £24,921; and 3,100 tons as stockfeed potatoes to merchants and farmers for £9,842. The average cost per ton, including freight. bags and warehousing, was £18 14s. 6d.

Mr. Osborne

Is the hon. Lady aware that these potatoes were either so badly bought or so badly stored that, at the end, members of the Transport Workers Union refused to move them because they smelt so badly; that private traders had to be brought in to get the potatoes to the refuse dump; and will she see that the person who is responsible for this is moved, even if it be the Minister himself?

Dr. Summerskill

If these things happened I am surprised that the hon. Member has not communicated with me before. I would have had the matter investigated.

Mr. Osborne

Is it in Order, Mr. Speaker, for the Minister to challenge a back bencher and to say that the matter should have been raised earlier when, in fact, it has been raised on many occasions? I have raised the matter on many occasions.

Mr. Speaker

I do not know exactly what was said, but I think the Minister is entitled to challenge the accuracy of anything stated by the hon. Member. Hon. Members are responsible for what they say, but the Minister can say that it is not accurate. Possibly the Minister has more facts than the hon. Member.

Mr. Osborne

The point on which I am asking for direction, Sir, is this: is the Minister entitled to challenge an hon. Member and to say that a certain matter should have been brought up before when, as a matter of fact, it has been brought up on many occasions before in this House? Ought not that to be with-drawn?

Mr. Speaker

I do not see anything wrong in the Minister saying that the matter should have been brought up before.

Mr. Osborne

But it has been brought up before.

Mr. Beswick

Is it not a fact that this matter was brought up at the Gravesend By-Election, when hon. Members opposite said we were going to be short of potatoes?

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