HC Deb 03 November 1948 vol 457 cc856-7
51. Mr. Thornton-Kemsley

asked the Minister of Food what were the United Kingdom's total requirements of coarse grains for the year 1947–48, as estimated by the Committee of European Economic Co-operation; and what was the quantity actually supplied.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food (Dr. Edith Summerskill)

No estimates of the United Kingdom's requirements of coarse grains for 1947-48 were made by the Committee of European Economic Co-operation. The actual quantity of coarse grains imported into the United Kingdom during the period July, 1947, to June, 1948, amounted to about 1,511,000 tons.

Mr. Thornton-Kemsley

Can the Minister say how far short is that figure of our total requirements and if the statement of the Prime Minister in the House in August, 1947, that the maximum requirements of feedingstuffs must be obtained, still holds good?

Dr. Summerskill

It is quite impossible to say what our maximum requirements were for last year, but we have estimated for next year, and our maximum requirements will be 2,862,000 tons.