HC Deb 11 May 1948 vol 450 c1961
55. Mr. Geoffrey Cooper

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer what is the number of members appointed to the Government Organisation Committee; and if he will consider appointing an equal number of members from outside the Civil Service, including at least two Members of Parliament with the necessary experience, who have knowledge of large-scale organisation after consulting the Council of the British Institute of Management as to suitable names for some of these outside members.

Sir S. Cripps

The answer to the first part of the Question is eleven. The answer to the second part is "No, Sir." The task of the Committee, subject to Ministers, is to lay down a programme of investigations, supervise its execution and apply its results; these are matters for which the Government must take full responsibility. We recognise, however, that we can get valuable help in this field from persons outside the Civil Service; a number are already helping and others will be invited to do so as occasion arises.

Mr. Cooper

Can the Chancellor of the Exchequer say why a Committee dealing with such fundamental and far-reaching matters affecting the whole machinery of Government, such as applies in this case, is deliberating in secret and behind closed doors, and can he say whether in fact the reports of the Committee will be made available to the House?

Sir S. Cripps

No, Sir, the reports will probably not be made available unless there is a special reason for so doing.