HC Deb 04 May 1948 vol 450 c1083
36. Mr. Derek Walker-Smith

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning whether he is aware that the provisions of the Town and Country Planning (Making of Applications) Regulations, 1948 (SI 711/1948) do not represent a complete fulfilment of his declared goal of a single comprehensive application; and whether in these circumstances any further action in regard thereto is to be expected.

The Minister of Town and Country Planning (Mr. Silkin)

I have been discussing the preparation of a composite form with the Associations of Local Planning Authorities and have gone quite a long way towards it. Practical difficulties made it impossible to prescribe the form in time for the appointed day, but I shall be resuming my discussions, and, provided that these show that a single document of a type that would be convenient for developers can be produced, the Minister of Health and I will make further Regulations for this purpose.

Mr. Thornton-Kemsley

Can the Minister say when these regulations, and also the new regulations which were laid before the House yesterday, will be debated by the House?

Mr. Silkin

Fairly soon.