HC Deb 03 May 1948 vol 450 c903
58. Mr. Mott-Radclyffe

asked the Minister of Agriculture how it came about that 16 of the fires in the Forestry Commission woods in 1946–47 owed their origin to Forestry Commission Employees; what disciplinary action was taken; and what was the extent of the damage caused.

Mr. T. Williams

Five of the outbreaks were caused by burning herbage or smoking contrary to instructions, seven were due to fires getting out of control during burning operations, and four were started by faulty equipment or chimneys. Of the employees responsible, lour were dismissed, four were reprimanded, one paid for the damage he had caused, and in seven cases where no enegligence occurred disciplinary action was not taken. Forty-one acres of plantations were burnt with a loss of£650; damage to buildings was valued at£140, and£85 was spent in extinguishing the fires.

Mr. Mott-Radclyffe

Would the right lion. Gentleman say whether these 41 acres have been replanted since?

Mr. Williams

I could not say without notice.