HC Deb 22 March 1948 vol 448 c2552
18. Sir P. Hannon

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement as to the number and membership of the Anglo-Swedish societies organised in Sweden by the British Council; and as to how far the educational activities of the Council are being encouraged and supported by universities and schools throughout Sweden.

Mr. Mayhew

There are 77 Anglo-Swedish societies in Sweden with a total membership estimated at, well over 10,000. They are, however, not organised by the British Council but are all autonomous organisations founded on Swedish initiative. The British Council receives considerable support from universities and schools throughout Sweden. British Council summer schools are well attended, large groups of Swedish teachers have at their own expense attended refresher courses in Britain and competition for British Council scholarships is extremely keen. In addition an increasing number of specialists are interesting themselves in British achievements and in many cases their investigations are sponsored by official Government organisations. Various county educational boards have asked the British Council to run a number of courses under their auspices and at their expense.

Sir P. Hannon

Do not these replies indicate that the work of the British Council in these various countries is having a great effect on their attitude to the significance of British friendship, and their appreciation of the British way of life?

Mr. Mayhew

I agree. I think it is a very useful contribution.

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