HC Deb 13 July 1948 vol 453 c999
32. Mr. Dye

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning whether he is yet in a position to announce the decision of the Government in regard to the future of the Stanford and Purbeck training areas.

Mr. Silkin

I expect to be able to make a statement after Questions on Monday next. In the meanwhile I shall be visiting the areas for discussions with representatives of the interests concerned.

Mr. Dye

Can my right hon. Friend say that the statement will convey the final decision of the Government about these battle training areas?

Mr. Silkin

Yes, Sir.

Viscount Hinchingbrooke

Can I offer the right hon. Gentleman any entertainment in my constituency in the coming few days?

Mr. Silkin

I should like to know the nature of the entertainment before I reply.