HC Deb 13 July 1948 vol 453 cc1019-164
  1. BRITISH NATIONALITY BILL [Lords] 71 words
    1. cc1019-52
    2. CLAUSE 1.—(British nationality.) 13,002 words
  2. ROYAL ASSENT 83 words
  3. cc1052-119
  4. BRITISH NATIONALITY BILL [Lords] 27,200 words, 2 divisions
    1. cc1119-56
    2. CLAUSE 2.—(Limitation of liability of citizens of Dominions and Eire for offences overseas. Status of citizens of Eire and British protected persons.) 26 words
      1. cc1119-25
      2. CLAUSE 3.—(Subjects by birth.) 1,836 words
      3. cc1125-7
      4. CLAUSE 4.—(Subjects by descent.) 748 words
      5. c1127
      6. CLAUSE 5.—(Registration of British subjects of countries mentioned in s. 1 (3) or of citizens of Eire and female British protected persons, married to British subjects of the United Kingdom and Colonies. 18 words
      7. cc1127-41
      8. CLAUSE 6.—(Registration of alien women married to British subjects of the United Kingdom and Colonies and of minors.) 5,571 words
      9. c1141
      10. CLAUSE 8.—(Effect of registration as a British subject of the United Kingdom and Colonies.) 25 words
      11. c1141
      12. CLAUSE 9.—(Naturalisation of aliens and British protected persons.) 25 words
      13. c1142
      14. CLAUSE 10.—(Power to specify British subjects of the United Kingdom and Colonies by Order in Council on incorporation of territory.) 28 words
      15. c1142
      16. CLAUSE 11.—(British subjects before commencement of Act becoming Pritish subjects of United Kingdom and Colonies.) 28 words
      17. c1142
      18. CLAUSE 12.—(British subjects whose citizenship has not been ascertained at the commencement of this Act.) 39 words
      19. c1142
      20. CLAUSE 15.—(Persons who have ceased to be British subjects on loss of British nationality by parent.) 86 words
      21. c1143
      22. CLAUSE 17.—(Applications for naturalisation pending at the commencement of Act.) 25 words
      23. c1143
      24. CLAUSE 18.—(Renunciation.) 28 words
      25. cc1143-5
      26. CLAUSE 19.—(Deprivation.) 744 words
      27. cc1145-7
      28. CLAUSE 20—(Deprivation in the United Kingdom and Colonies of persons deprived elsewhere.) 894 words
      29. c1147
      30. CLAUSE 22.—(Legitimated children.) 34 words
      31. cc1147-8
      32. CLAUSE 24.—(Certificate in case of doubt.) 313 words
      33. cc1148-50
      34. CLAUSE 25.—(Discretion of Secretary of State, Governor, or High Commissioner.) 769 words
      35. c1150
      36. CLAUSE 28.—(Orders in Council, regulations and rules.) 167 words
      37. c1151
      38. CLAUSE 31.—(Interpretation.) 153 words
      39. c1151
      40. CLAUSE 32.—(Channel Islands and Isle of Man.) 28 words
      41. c1151
      42. CLAUSE 33.—(Short title, commencement and repeal.) 26 words
      43. cc1151-2
      44. NEW CLAUSE.—(Continuance of certain citizens of Eire as British subjects.) 464 words
      45. cc1152-4
      46. FIRST SCHEDULE.—(Naturalisation.) 481 words
      47. c1154
      48. SECOND SCHEDULE.—(British subjects without citizenship under section twelve of this Act.) 254 words
      49. cc1154-6
      50. THIRD SCHEDULE.—(Enactments repealed.) 565 words
      51. c1156
      52. TITLE 42 words