HC Deb 26 January 1948 vol 446 cc646-8
19. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Food if he will now make a further statement concerning the milk registrations of Mr. Bernard French and his family, of 77, Cremorne Road, Sutton Coldfield.

Mr. Strachey

I must apologise to the hon. Member for the answer I gave him on 8th December. As a result of his suggestion that I had not got the full story, I went into the matter in detail and discovered that the real situation was as set out in my hon. Friend, the Parliamentary Secretary's letter to the hon. Member on 16th January. We have now arranged for Mr. French to change his retailer.

Sir J. Mellor

While I note the Minister's answer, does he recognise that, since he was demobilised in 1945, Mr. French has continually protested against being registered with the Walsall Co-operative Society?

Mr. Strachey

I do not know whether he has continually protested, but, certainly, he did not have the opportunity of changing earlier, which I alleged he had had, and which he certainly should have had. I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for putting the matter right.

20. Sir J. Mellor

asked the Minister of Food why consumers, who are obtaining pasteurised milk, are not permitted to change their retailers in order to obtain tuberculin-tested milk, even when their applications are supported by their family doctors.

Mr. Strachey

Our medical advisers take the view that there are no general medical reasons for allowing a change of retailer in order to enable a consumer to obtain tuberculin-tested instead of pasteurised milk. Nevertheless, they have always been willing to consider requests based on exceptional medical needs.

Sir J. Mellor

In cases where the family doctor recommends a change, why should those cases be referred to the Ministry's medical advisers who have never seen the patient? Does not the family doctor know best?

Mr. Strachey

They are willing to take an exceptional case, but they firmly take the view that there is no general prima facie case for change on medical grounds.

Mr. Assheton

Could the right hon. Gentleman tell us why this very generally desirable change could not be made in any event? What is the objection to allowing such changes?

Mr. Strachey

It is the difficulty of changing the retail milk supplies. That is a wider question, which I am considering at the moment.

21. Sir J. Mellor

asked the Minister of Food when he expects to receive the report of the Committee on Milk Distribution.

Mr. Strachey

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to my hon. Friend the Member for West Leicester (Mr. Janner) on 23rd January.

Sir J. Mellor

Can the Minister say if this report will be published?

Mr. Strachey

I have not studied it yet, but I imagine it will be. I cannot imagine any great difficulty there.

Mr. Beechman

Will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind that there is a great deal of feeling about milk not being distributed on Sundays? I have had a number of complaints sent to me about the matter.

Mr. Strachey

Yes, Sir.

75. Captain Marsden

asked the Minister of Food why customers of Messrs. H. A. Job Limited, of Walton-on-Thames, have been arbitrarily transferred to United Dairies Limited; and in view of the great dissatisfaction caused by this order if he will rescind it.

Mr. Strachey

I am arranging for an inquiry into the protests made by the consumer, and if they are justified I will have the decision reconsidered.