HC Deb 14 December 1948 vol 459 cc1001-2
30. Mr.Shephard

asked the Secretary of state for War how many married quarters have been built during the past three years; and how many have been allocated to officers.

Mr. Shinwell

Quarters are provided both by building and conversion. The total so provided in the United Kingdom during the past three years is 961, the majority of which are for other ranks. As some of the converted quarters may be used for either officers or other ranks it is not possible to divide the total exactly.

Mr. Shephard

Is it not a fact that there appears to be no regard to providing quarters for officers, and if the Army is to be efficient, is it not just as necessary that the officers should be looked after as well as other ranks?

Mr. Shinwell

I assure the hon. Gentleman that we are very much concerned about the provision of married quarters both for other ranks and officers. We have a programme, which has only recently begun so far as construction is concerned, and we will proceed with it as expediously as possible. I am very unhappy about the accommodation question and will do my best to improve it.

Mr. William Shepherd

Will the right hon. Gentleman say how many of the 961 apartments being provided have in fact been allotted to officers?

Mr. Shinwell

I am bound to admit very few. [HON. MEMBERS: "How many?"] I am not sure of the exact number because the figures are a little mixed. I would not care to commit myself, but I agree that it is very few—far too few.