HC Deb 08 December 1948 vol 459 cc376-7
32. Sir R. Ross

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty in how many aircraft carriers under construction is work at present suspended.

Mr. J. Dugdale

Constructional work on four aircraft carriers is at present suspended, but work on one of these will shortly be resumed. I may add that in the case of all four ships work is proceeding both in relation to the preparation of machinery and the preparation of guns.

Sir R. Ross

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the supreme importance of this class of vessels and that deterioration always take place when work is suspended in a vessel for a long period of months? How long have they been lying without work going on in them?

Mr. Dugdale

For varying periods. I may add that they are kept, as far as possible, in a good state of preservation pending the resumption of work, and that we do attach the greatest possible importance to that.

Commander Noble

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether these ships were included in the list of ships under construction as given in the last Naval Estimates? Is he aware that he told us a few weeks ago that there were no changes in that list?

Mr. Dugdale

No, Sir. They were under construction, but the construction was suspended.

Commander Noble

Did not the hon. Gentleman tell us a few weeks ago that there were no changes in the list issued with the Naval Estimates?

Mr. Dugdale

Nor are there. There is no contradiction at all. I said they are, in fact, under construction, but that the construction was suspended.

Sir R. Ross

Can the hon. Gentleman say when work on these vessels will be recommenced?

Mr. Dugdale

One, the "Majestic," will be resumed quite soon.