HC Deb 29 April 1948 vol 450 cc585-6
18. Mr. W. Shepherd

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he has any statement to make as to the future of the Petroleum Pool Board.

The Minister of Fuel and Power (Mr. Gaitskell)

As was announced in the Press on 27th April, the Petroleum Board, which was a voluntary association formed for the purpose of the war by the companies distributing oil in the United Kingdom is being dissolved on 30th June this year. To provide liaison between the Government and the industry after the Petroleum Board has disbanded, the industry have, at my instance, set up representative bodies which will provide the Government with any information it may require, and will co-operate with the Government in safeguarding the national interest in all questions concerning oil operations in the United Kingdom. In the sphere of industrial relations, a joint conciliation committee is in being and is, I understand, functioning to the satisfaction of both sides of the industry. Arrangements have also been made by the oil companies, at my request, to ensure maximum economy in the use of manpower and transport; and also to defer the re-introduction of branded products for at least six months. I take this occasion to express the Government's appreciation of the great wartime services rendered by the petroleum industry and to thank all members and staff of the Petroleum Board fur the valuable work they have done.

Mr. Shepherd

While I agree with the usefulness of the Petroleum Board during the wartime period may I ask are we to take it that this answer means that the Government are convinced that the interests of the users and consumers will be better served by privately operated concerns than by this central organisation?

Mr. Gaitskell

As I have already explained, the Petroleum Board was a voluntary association, and it rests with the companies when it is dissolved. I am satisfied that the arrangements made by the companies at my request will meet the hon. Gentleman's point.