HC Deb 19 November 1947 vol 444 cc1127-8
31. Dr. Segal

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies what progress is being made towards the establishment of the new University of West Africa at Ibadan; and when it is expected that the first of its faculties will be open for the reception of students.

Mr. Creech Jones

As I wish to give a full answer to this Question I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

A Principal of the university college at Ibadan has been appointed and has already assumed duty in Nigeria. A site has been selected and surveyed and an architect will be appointed before the end of this month to plan the permanent college buildings. Preliminary work on the site is already in hand and accommodation for teaching staff is being erected. The first professorial staff will, it is hoped, be appointed early in 1948. The staff and student body of the existing higher college at Yaba will form the nucleus of the new college and it is hoped that the transfer from Yaba to temporary accommodation at Ibadan will take place in January next and thus enable the college to open there then. The provision at Ibadan of courses leading to full university degrees will depend mainly on the recruitment of professorial staff and the Principal cannot therefore estimate yet when it will be possible to admit students for such work.