HC Deb 12 May 1947 vol 437 cc1084-7
64. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Transport the number of cargo-carrying ships entering and leaving the Port of London; and the tonnage weight of cargo carried for each month in 1946–47 to the nearest convenient date.

Mr. Barnes

As the reply includes a large number of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply:

The following information has been supplied to me by the Port Of London Authority and shows the tonnage of imports and exports and transhipments for the quarters ending 30th September and 31st December, 1946:
Quarter ended 30th September. Quarter ended 31st December Total for six months.
tons. tons. tons.
Overseas Imports 2,842,093 2,360,171 5,202,264
Overseas Exports 655,873 817,202 1,473,075
Total, Overseas Trade 3,497,966 3,177,373 6,675,339
Coasting Imports 3,453,486 3,616,538 7,070,024
Coasting Exports 294,074 352,693 646,767
Total, Coasting Trade 3,747,560 3,969,231 7,716,791
Transhipments Inwards 202,602 265,221 467,823
Transhipments Outwards 202,602 265,221 467,823
Total, Transhipments 405,204 530,442 935,646
Grand Total of Imports, Exports and Transhipments 7,650,730 7,677,046 15,327,776

The analysis of imports and exports was discontinued by the Port of London Authority during the war. It was only re-started on the 1st July, 1946, and figures are available for these two quarters only.

66. Mr. Sparks

asked the Minister of Transport the number of cargo-carrying ships entering and leaving the Port of Glasgow; and the tonnage weight of cargo carried in each month for a year ended at the nearest convenient date.

Mr. Barnes

As the reply includes a large number of figures, I will, with my hon. Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Commander Maitland

Would the right hon. Gentleman say if his answer includes the size of the ships involved in each

The following statement based on information supplied by the Board of Trade shows the number of vessels that arrived and departed with cargo at the port of Glasgow during each month from April, 1946, to March, 1947, inclusive:
Arrived. Departed.
Foreign trade. Coasting trade. Total. Foreign trade. Coasting trade. Total
April 52 249 301 55 220 275
May 58 239 297 50 225 275
June 47 281 328 48 261 309
July 37 311 348 43 268 311
August 54 307 361 55 260 315
September 77 252 329 64 227 291
October 95 235 330 83 244 327
November 81 234 315 73 231 304
December 64 232 296 76 208 284
January 72 208 280 53 218 271
February 56 165 221 52 195 247
March 53 219 272 37 211 248

case—that is not specifically asked, but it is important?

Mr. Rankin

Would it be possible in circulating the reply, for my right hon. Friend also to give the total labour force in the Port of London, and in the Port of Glasgow?

Mr. Barnes

Both those supplementary questions raise points that were not in the Question. I shall be happy to furnish that information in reply to Questions put down to me.

Following is the reply:

The following information has been supplied to me by the Clyde Navigation Trust and shows the tonnage of imports and exports for each month from April, 1946, to March, 1947, inclusive:
Foreign. Coastwise.
Imports. Exports Imports. Exports.
tons. tons. tons. tons.
April 236,901 61,909 71,536 82,438
May 262,339 64,547 78,203 81,336
June 242,912 60,555 75,139 79,302
July 223,691 47,979 64,479 73,873
August 187,169 41,952 60,128 70,061
September 272,358 52,243 70,533 80,698
October 241,797 53,320 74,260 87,378
November 249,509 48,690 76,109 90,117
December 348,190 54,293 68,703 87,025
January 223,853 59,167 57,317 73,071
February 181,567 22,755 58,535 60,976
March 209,225 60,034 59,548 65,678
2,879,511 627,444 814,490 931,953
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