HC Deb 31 March 1947 vol 435 cc1651-2
42. Mr. D. J. Williams

asked the Minister of Transport if he is satisfied that, if coal has to be imported this year, the necessary facilities are available at the ports for unloading and handling it.

Mr. Barnes

Yes, Sir. I am satisfied that with facilities that are available and with arrangements that can be made it would be practicable to unload and handle substantial quantities of imported coal.

Mr. Williams

If coal is to be imported amounting to five million or 10 million tons, or whatever the figure may be, will the Minister bear in mind the serious situation in the South Wales ports which were built up on the export trade?

Mr. Barnes

That is hardly a matter into which I can go at the moment. The hon. Member asked me whether this coal could be handled and I said it could be.

Mr. Lipson

Can the Minister be a little more definite and say what he means by "substantial" in view of the fact that it has been suggested by another Minister that it would be illogical.

Mr. Barnes

That is just what I am not disposed to encourage in an answer to a supplementary question.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Surely, the House is entitled to know the facts. Only last week the Minister of Fuel and Power, in reply to a suggestion by one of my hon. Friends on the Motion for the Adjournment, said that the facilities were not available at the ports for the importation of coal. Now the right hon. Gentleman says it can be handled. Which is true?

Mr. Barnes

The only point with which I am concerned is my own reply and the use of the word "substantial." I can answer that question but I am not disposed to answer any further question.

Mr. Lipson

When the Minister used the word "substantial" he must have had some figure in mind. What is that figure?

Mr. Barnes

It means from a quarter of a million to about 400,000 tons a month. That probably is the maximum.

Mr. Rankin

Assuming that the coal was coming in, could it be handled with the existing labour force? Would there need to be an increase in the number?

Mr. Barnes

That is one of the problems, as I have indicated, which will have to receive further consideration and examination.