HC Deb 10 March 1947 vol 434 cc927-8
6. Earl Winterton

asked the Minister of Works if any decision has been reached regarding the reproduction in the new Commons Chamber of the memorial which existed in the old Chamber to hon. and right hon. Members of this House who fell in the 1914–18 war; and, further, if it is intended to erect a similar memorial in the new Chamber to Members who lost their lives in the last war.

Mr. Key

It has always been the Government's intention to replace the shields commemorating the 19 hon. and right hon. Members of this House who were killed in the 1914–18 war. The erection of a similar, memorial in the new Chamber to Members of this House who lost their lives in the War of 1939–45, is under consideration, as stated by my right hon. Friend, the Prime Minister, on 6th February.

Earl Winterton

Will the right hon. Gentleman say what exactly he means by "under consideration"—under consideration by whom? Surely, if a memorial is erected to those of the 1914–18 war, it would be outrageous if a similar memorial were not erected to those who fell in the last war?

Mr. Key

The character of that memorial is being considered by a Committee of Members of this House, and upon consideration of their report we shall act. I would add that I believe Members of the House of Commons, who are on that Committee, agreed that a memorial similar in type should be erected to the memory of those hon. Members who were killed in the last war.

Earl Winterton

Is the Minister aware that this has not been considered by a Committee of this House, and that it is one of the things to which we object? It has been considered by a conference, under Mr. Speaker, composed of Members of another place and this House. Why is it not possible to obtain a clear decision on this matter?

Mr. Key

I think there has been a misconception. The Committee is considering the question of a joint memorial, and the Members of this House who are Members of that Committee have given consideration to that other question.