HC Deb 24 June 1947 vol 439 cc327-8
The Solicitor-General

I beg to move, in page 22, line 5, to leave out from "notice," to the end of line 8.

The Amendment is designed to meet a request made by hon. Gentlemen opposite that contracts for personal services should be put on the same footing as other contracts under Clause 15. If a notice of disclaimer is served under the Clause, the question whether the necessary conditions are fulfilled to make a disclaimer possible can be referred to arbitration for decision. As the Clause is at present worded that does not apply to a contract for personal services. Before it can apply, the Minister's consent has to be obtained. What we have done, to meet the criticism of hon. Gentlemen opposite, is to remove the necessity for obtaining the Minister's consent in the case of personal services, so that these contracts are on exactly the same footing as all other contracts.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

As the hon. and learned Gentleman says, this Amendment is a concession to us, for "which we are duly grateful.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: In page 22, line 37, leave out" and agreements for leases."

In line 39, leave out "or agreement for a lease."

In line 40, leave out "or agreement.' —[ The Solicitor-General.]

The Solicitor-General

I beg to move, in page 23, line 20, after "agreement," to insert, "or lease."

Subsection (7) provides that agreements in respect of which the Minister's consent has been obtained shall not be liable to disclaimer. The Amendment extends that protection to cover leases, and to cover not the making of the agreement in the first place, but a variation of the agreement after it has been made.

Amendment agreed to.

Consequential Amendments made.