HC Deb 19 June 1947 vol 438 c2215
40. Major Cecil Poole

asked the Minister of Health when a firm decision may be expected regarding the proposed building of houses on the Hardwick Road site, Streetly, Staffordshire, on which representations have been made continuously to his Department for the past 12 months.

Mr. Bevan

The builders have been asked to quote a price for the erection of houses to standard plans. The site originally offered to the Council was not acceptable and the alternative site, offered on 6th June, has been accepted subject to approval by the Ministry of Town and Country Planning and the District Valuer. When these points have been cleared, approval can be given.

Major Poole

Is it not regrettable that a firm of builders who have been prepared to build houses to let or to sell to the local authority have been delayed now for 12 months by the local authority? Is it not time the Minister insisted that the local authority should face up to their responsibilities?

Mr. Bevan

Local authorities as a whole are facing up to their responsibilities, and there is no evidence whatever to show that there is any unused building labour or building material in this district.