HC Deb 23 July 1947 vol 440 c1350

Lords Amendment: In page 34, line 9, after "authority" insert or any sinking fund established for redemption of any such securities.

Motion made, and Question proposed "That this House doth agree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

Mr. C. Williams

We are passing these things very quickly and very satisfactorily, but I should like to know in regard to this Amendment precisely why it was not in the Bill when it was first brought in. If it is an essential Amendment it should have been put into the Bill at the very latest during the Committee stage in this House. Is it a fact that it was due to incompetence and to the way in which the Bill was originally worded. I should like to know at what period it was discovered that this was really necessary and if at any time this could have been put in except for the guillotine.

Mr. G. R. Strauss

I always want to answer any question put by the hon. Member. This Amendment is consequential on one we have already passed, and it was put in when it was found that it would be desirable for drafting purposes. That could only be done after the Bill was published unless one had dis. cussed all these matters with the railway companies beforehand. It is usual to find that certain small drafting Amendments are necessary as a Bill such as this proceeds.

Question put, and agreed to.