HC Deb 03 February 1947 vol 432 c1396
58. Lieut.-Colonel Corbett

asked the Minister of Agriculture why his Department abitrarily secures payment of any sum alleged to be owed by a farmer to an A.E.C. by arranging with the Ministry of Food to deduct the sum from any acreage payment due to that farmer by that Ministry; and whether he will order that this practice shall cease.

Mr. T. Williams

This form of mutual set-off of debts owing to and by the Crown, which is applied where the farmer has received contract services from a county war agricultural executive committee, is normally convenient to both parties; it is economical to operate, and it protects State funds. I therefore do not propose to alter it. I have instructed committees that where the amount of the debt owed by the farmer is in dispute, they should take steps to resolve the dispute, as far as they can, in the shortest possible time.

Mr. Butcher

Are not the farmers entitled to deduct the acreage payments to which they are entitled from their Income Tax instalments?

Mr. Williams

No, Sir.

Sir W. Smithers

Is there any appeal against this arbitrary action of the committees?

Mr. Williams

No, Sir.