HC Deb 08 December 1947 vol 445 c783
55. Mr. Edward Evans

asked the Minister of Agriculture to what extent his periodical census of cattle and pigs reveal a growing black market in the disposal of these animals; and what steps he is taking to prevent this evil.

Mr. T. Williams

The periodical censuses of farm livestock afford no means of measuring the extent of such black market activities as may exist, but I have no evidence that farmers dispose of any significant proportion of their cattle and pigs through other than legitimate channels. My right hon. Friend the Minister of Food has already announced this afternoon the setting up, after consultation between us, of a special Committee to inquire into the illegal slaughter of animals for food.

Mr. Evans

Is my right hon. Friend aware that his action and statement will cause a great deal of satisfaction to those members of the farming community who are playing the game?

Mr. Orr-Ewing

Do I understand from the Minister's answer that he is in complete disagreement with the view expressed by the Minister of Food?

Mr. Williams

I said nothing of the kind. I am in complete agreement.