HC Deb 21 April 1947 vol 436 cc610-1
75. Mr. Piratin

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, whether he is aware that Mr. F. Lesser, the "Daily Worker" correspondent in Moscow, has been refused admission to the daily Press conferences held at the British Embassy; and whether he will state the reasons for this action.

Mr. Mayhew

A Press conference is held by the chief Press officer of the United Kingdom Delegation after each meeting of the Council of Foreign Minister. I am informed that Mr. Lesser regularly attends these conferences. In addition to these open conferences, the chief Press officer is available for consultation by representatives of the Press individually, or by arrangement with the journalists concerned, in groups. It is open to Mr. Lesser or any correspondent if there is difficulty in fitting him into a group to avail himself of an individual interview. As a correspondent resident in Moscow, Mr. Lesser continues to maintain his usual contacts with the Press attaché and other members of the staff of the British Embassy

Mr. Piratin

Is the Minister aware that I received a communication from this journalist to the effect that he was not permitted to attend some of these conferences, and would not the Minister agree that this journalist would be aware whether he did or did not attend? Therefore will he look into the matter once again?

Mr. Mayhew

I am not saying that there are not informal conferences which Mr. Lesser has not attended. All I am saying is that at all open conferences he is, of course, perfectly entitled to attend, and I understand that he attends them regularly.