HC Deb 29 October 1946 vol 428 cc425-7
10. Sir Stanley Reed

asked the Minister of Works the number of hotels at Droitwich requisitioned by the Government; the total bedroom accommodation at these hotels; the purposes for which they are used; and when it is proposed to derequisition them.

Mr. Tomlinson

There are four hotels still under requisition in Droitwich, containing 377 bedrooms in all. One hotel containing 115 bedrooms is vacant and is being derequisitioned. Two containing 230 bedrooms are used by War Office for living and office accommodation and as a group headquarters for an army unit. A search is being made for alternative accommodation so that the hotels may be derequisitioned. The fourth hotel containing 32 bedrooms is vacant except for the huts in the grounds of the hotel which are used as a prisoner of war hostel. It is hoped to move the prisoners shortly so that the whole of the premises can be derequisitioned. Meanwhile certain buildings in the grounds are being derequisitioned at the request of the owner.

Sir S. Reed

Would not the Minister treat this matter as one of great urgency, and make inquiries to find out how many people are suffering from arthritis and are prevented from taking the cure, because there is no accommodation?

Mr. Tomlinson

Certainly, Sir. I am pressing on with this matter as quickly as possible.

Sir Frank Sanderson

What is the total number of hotels in the country—

Mr. Speaker

That is another question. The one with which we are dealing applies only to Droitwich.

12. Colonel Wheatley

asked the Minister of Works if, in view of the importance of the tourist industry and the financial loss to the owners by the continued retention of requisitioned hotels, he will have a survey made in order to ascertain the possibility of derequisitioning as many hotels as possible and as early as possible.

Mr. Tomlinson

A survey was recently made, and showed that over 3,500 hotels, boarding houses and restaurants had been derequisitioned since 1st January, 1945. Those still retained will be released as quickly as possible but in some cases release will depend upon the construction of new building= to provide alternative accommodation.

Colonel Wheatley

Why is it that, a year and a half after the conclusion of hostilities, these owners still suffer under the injustice of their property being held by the Government?

Mr. Price-White

In the case of hotels at seaside resorts, would the Minister give a guarantee that he will indicate the date for derequisitioning as far as possible in advance, in order to enable the owners to plan for the coming holiday season, which takes a certain amount of time?

Mr. Tomlinson

I have been doing that, in conjunction with representatives of the owners.

Sir F. Sanderson

Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many hotels are still requisitioned?

Mr. Tomlinson

If the hon. Member will put a Question down I will certainly give him the answer.