HC Deb 23 October 1946 vol 427 c1653
39. Mr. Keeling

asked the Secretary of State for Air which commons and public open spaces, requisitioned during the war, his Department proposes to acquire; and whether he will give the earliest possible notice to planning authorities of any future proposals for such acquisition.

Mr. de Freitas

Our proposals are under discussion with the other Departments concerned, including the Ministry of Town and Country Planning, through whom the local planning authorities are consulted at the earliest possible stage. I am not yet in a position to make any definite statement, but I can assure the hon. Member that I will give the House further information as soon as I can.

Mr. Keeling

Will the Minister answer the second part of the Question, and will he give the assurance, which has already-been given by the War Office and the Admiralty, that the public will be given every opportunity to object to any proposal by the Government for such acquisition?

Mr. de Freitas

Yes, and under the Act of 1945 that happens automatically since it is laid down that there must be publication of the notices of proposal, that they must be served on the local planning authorities, and that the objections must be considered by the War Works Commission.